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Nice little earner

Your Money
Thursday 08 November 2018

Continuing to work in retirement can have a positive impact on your finances and your mental and physical health. If 9-5 office work doesn’t appeal and you’re looking for a novel way to boost your retirement finances, one of these might prove to be an exciting option.

Film and TV extra
Fancy being in a soap one day and a Bond film a week later? While the work is irregular, it has both variety and reflected glamour. Look, you can say, there on the top left of the screen, five foot from Daniel Craig and for just two seconds, it’s me! Hiring is usually done through agencies. Extra People, for example, pays £89.52 a day, minus its 20% commission. Patience and being able to take direction are musts. But you never know who you might be working with tomorrow.

Tour guide
Ideal for history buffs who love sharing their knowledge of their hometown. This is something you can either do for an established operator (pay is usually £10 to £15 an hour) or, if you’re feeling entrepreneurial, set up on your own. That way you can make it about whatever you like, be it food, culture, crime or sport, and take all the money you earn. However, you’ll also have to market yourself and run the bookings. Comfortable shoes essential, as is a good sense of direction.

Life Modelling
Comfortable with your body? Want to inspire artists? The plus point with life modelling is you get to act as a muse and see the artists’ interpretations of you. The negative is a need to sit or lie holding one position, potentially for hours on end. Oh, and you have to be happy shedding your clothes in a room full of strangers, too. Rates can be around £12 to £15 per hour. Not a job for fidgets, the easily bored, or shrinking violets.

Father Christmas
Being Santa can pay around £15 an hour. Look for vacancies at department stores and garden centres or sign up with an agency such as Great Grottos. You’ll need to come up with a clean sheet on a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and, ideally, like children. Upside, their happy little faces. Downside, the work is rather seasonal. Elves also required.

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Page last updated: Monday 12 November 2018