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​Are you claiming your winter fuel payment?

Your Money
Thursday 02 November 2017

Many people will automatically start to receive their winter fuel allowance once they reach the state pension age – however if you haven’t received yours you may still be eligible to claim. The winter fuel payment is not means-tested, so for the current financial year (running to March 2018) the eligibility criteria is:
  • That you were born on or before 5 August 1953
  • That you lived in the UK through the qualifying week of 18–24 September 2017
This criteria is updated every year, so if you’re not eligible yet check back in the future.
Payments are typically between £100 and £300, although the amount could vary depending on your living situation. If you live with other people who are also eligible to claim, for instance, you may be entitled to receive less – and in some cases your partner will receive the benefit on your behalf.  
If you don’t receive your money automatically, you can get in touch with the government and claim. Call the helpline on 0800 731 0160 and they should be able to talk you through the process. You won’t need to do anything next year, as you only need to claim once.
The winter fuel payment doesn’t affect your entitlement to any other benefits.
Want to know more about the perks that you’re entitled to once you reach retirement? Read our article about taking advantage of your free bus pass.   
Page last updated: Thursday 02 May 2019