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Mantelpiece moments

Your Life
Sunday 01 October 2017

What sits on your mantelpiece? This is where many people choose to display pictures of their loved ones and mementos from holidays or other special events. Even if you don’t have a physical mantelpiece in your home, you probably have a space to gather memories – be it a windowsill, shelf or collection of pictures on the wall.

If there's one thing that’s better than looking over your fond memories, though,  it’s probably adding to the collection! Doing something exciting or reconnecting with your family gives you the chance to make even more memories that will stay with you throughout your life.

Throughout the rest of this month, we’re going to be looking at some of the memories that our customers have created using equity release. From exotic trips and luxurious cruises, to helping grandchildren onto the property ladder, we at Key are lucky enough to see people tick some amazing things off their bucket lists.

So, how do you make a memory that will last?

Do something different

Following a similar routine each day is fine, but when you want to create a special memory you need to get away from these everyday tasks and do something that you’re not used to. Adrenaline from an exciting activity, the taste of a new food or the view from a local beauty spot… by waking up the senses, you’re instantly encouraging your mind to absorb what’s happening.

Invite the right people

Which is to say, the people that you care about. In particular, spending time with your children or grandchildren means that you’re not just making memories that you can treasure, but that they can treasure too. If you have the chance to treat family members then this can make the experience all the more special!


Allow for some spontaneity

You might be tempted to try and plan every little detail in an attempt to make everything perfect. There’s nothing wrong with preparation, but sometimes the best memories come from something we didn’t expect – which means it’s important to be flexible and stray away from planned activities if something more exciting comes along.


Take plenty of pictures or mementos

Some people say that taking pictures stops you from experiencing the moment… but while it’s true that there’s a balance to be struck, we say that taking a few photos is a great way to ensure you have something to look back on.

The human memory isn’t perfect, so having a snapshot from a day that you don’t want to forget can be a useful aid as time moves on. In particular, pictures of you and your family together are important as they give your loved ones something to cherish.

If you visit a particular place or attraction, you could also pick up a souvenir: something to keep on the mantelpiece and look back on.

Are you aged between 55 and 95 and looking for a way to fund a big trip, a gift to a loved one or another memorable experience? Equity release is one option that you may want to look into, although alternative solutions such as downsizing or using savings may also be available.

Equity release allows you to unlock some of the cash that’s tied up in your home, meaning that you can benefit more from what may well be your biggest asset. The cash is released in the form of a tax-free lump sum.

Equity release will reduce the value of your estate and may affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits. The most popular form of equity release, a lifetime mortgage, is a loan secured against your home.
If you are considering going ahead with equity release, we recommend that you read 'is it right for you?' carefully. 

How much equity could you release?

Use our free calculator to find out how much you may be able to release.

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Page last updated: Monday 12 November 2018