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Eight successful entrepreneurs who started later in life

Your Life
Thursday 09 November 2017
While the popular image of a successful entrepreneur is a young, Zuckerberg-style Silicon Valley tycoon, there are plenty of business moguls who prove that there's no age limit on realising your dreams.

Prince's Initiative for Mature Enterprise conducted a survey which revealed that in 2013 4.17 million workers in the UK were self-employed, 42% of which were over 50.

A lot of things come with age. Better things, come to think about it. You're more secure in who you are, have a bucket load of life experience, and have acquired priceless work skills and business acumen that you can't just learn from books. You've networked and built up a catalog of contacts, which you can now use at your own will. Therefore, starting a business at this stage in life can make a lot of sense. Not only that, you remain mentally acute and physically active. In fact, studies show this can ward off a lot of the ill effects that come with old age. Not to mention the boost in sense of worth!

At Key we recently shared a few retirement start-up success stories but we wanted to show you how some of the most popular and profitable companies were founded by entrepreneurs that saw success later in life. We hope this infographic is a source of inspiration.

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Page last updated: Wednesday 07 November 2018