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Is your Will valid and up to date?

Your Life
Thursday 22 February 2018

Nearly half of those over 55 don’t have a Will*. And many of those who do, no longer have one that represents their wishes

Macmillan Cancer Support has discovered that among those who do have a Will, a staggering 1.5million don’t realise that it is no longer valid. Why? Because they’ve married since the document was originally drawn up.

Getting married will automatically give your new partner legal status that supersedes a pre-existing Will. The figures are alarming in the reverse situation too for unmarried people. Almost 1 in 5 admit to 'Will blunders' such as still including an ex-partner in their wishes.

That’s why it makes sense to review your Will every couple of years, especially when your circumstances change or those of your beneficiaries, should they have children for example.

Should you die without a Will in place, the government decides who will inherit your estate according to the laws of intestacy. This could result in your estate being divided and distributed in a way you might not have chosen.

Making a Will can help to remove your doubts as to who will inherit your possessions, property and money: it’s a legally binding way of making your wishes clear.

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Based on our understanding of English and Welsh Law.
*Macmillan Cancer Support research 2018.
Page last updated: Wednesday 07 November 2018