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05 November 2020

A third (34%) of those who are planning to retire in 2020 continue to financially support their families with regular handouts amounting to over £3,700 per year, new exclusive research1 from the UK’s leading over 55s specialist adviser Key shows.  Based on a unique national study of the views of over 1,000 people who had decided to finish work in 2020, this research focuses on their financial security and retirement planning.
Retirees Plan to Use Almost a fifth of Income to Support Families:
With retirees planning on an average retirement income of £20,663 – a figure that may drop due to the impact of the pandemic – the research suggests that they anticipate they will be using almost a fifth (18%) of this income or £3,700 to support the finances of younger family members. This equates to £311 per month on average – although one in eight (12%) contribute £500 or more each month, equating to £6,000 per year.
Accommodation and Cash top the list of support:
Around 28% allow their family to live with them rent free, while one in four (24%) give them regular cash to cover everyday living costs like food and 15% put money towards supporting their grandchildren. One in five (20%) also help their loved ones by covering some or all of their household bills while 19% pay for treats such as holidays. Finally a generous 15% of potential retirees say they have already help to fund a deposit or put money towards the purchase of a property – something that has no doubt increased recently with the introduction of the Stamp Duty Holiday – and 13% pay for university fees or associated living costs.

REASON FOR FAMILY FUNDING Percentage of people who provide this
Allowing them to live rent free 29%
Regular cash for everyday living costs 24%
Covering some or all household bills 20%
One off non-essential items like holidays 19%
Deposit or money towards a property 18%
Funding for costs of grandchildren 15%
Covering University fees or living costs 13%
Will Hale CEO at Key, said: “Whilst many older people enjoy treating their loved ones – even if it is just paying for a nice meal - a third of those who intend to retire in 2020 are doing more than this - regularly topping up their wider family’s finances.  The current economic situation is likely to place even more pressure on people’s finances but with the pandemic impacting pension savings this could see some retirees having to tighten their belts and could impact their ability to continue to support younger generations.
“It is important that families have open discussions about their finances.  Many younger people would be horrified if they knew older members of their family were struggling due to their generous natures.  Taking the time to speak to a specialist adviser is a sensible step to look across all your assets and understand how much support you can provide. Using housing equity is one way older people can continue to support family and/or top-up their own income.”  

Page last updated: Monday 09 November 2020